I am using the Australian AIDS Survival Data. This time to create scatterplots.
To show the genders in survival of different Reported transmission category (T.categ), I plot the chart in this way:
data <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vincentarelbundock/Rdatasets/master/csv/MASS/Aids2.csv")
data %>%
ggplot() +
geom_jitter(aes(T.categ, sex, colour = status))
It shows a chart. But each time I run the code, it seems to produce a different chart. Here are 2 of them putting together.
Anything wrong with the codes? Is it normal (each run a different chart)?
Try setting the seed when plotting:
set.seed(1); ggplot(data, aes(T.categ, sex, colour = status)) +
From the manual ?geom_jitter
It adds a small amount of random variation to the location of each point, and is a useful way of handling overplotting caused by discreteness in smaller datasets.
To have that "random variation" reproducible, we need to set set.seed
when plotting.