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Akka actor inheritance with context.become

I have a tricky issue when trying to change a child actor's state with the become method. I implemented actor inheritance as per the Receiving trait suggested here:

trait Mcma extends Receiving with ActorLogging {
  val actorName: String

    * Simple method to be overridden when necessary
    * @param entity the response entity
  protected def handleHttpOK(entity: ResponseEntity): Unit ="$actorName got unhandled OK response")

  // Add http responses match if necessary
  receiver {
    case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, _, entity, _) => handleHttpOK(entity)

    case resp @ HttpResponse(code, _, _, _) =>
      log.error(s"$actorName got response code: {}", code)
      // Discard the flow to avoid backpressure

    case e: Status.Failure => log.error(s"$actorName got failure: {}", e.cause.getMessage)

    case _ => log.warning(s"Unexpected message in $actorName")

The problem occurs when I have an actor that implements this Mcma trait and changes its own state with the become pattern:

class Reseau(url: String, optSender: Option[ActorRef]) extends Mcma with Receiving {
  override val actorName: String = "ReseauActor"

    * The active method used to handle actor state change with the become helper
    * @param queryDataStr the query string for each call to ReseauActor
    * @return
  def active(queryDataStr: String): Receive = {
    case s: String => context become active(s)

  // Init the actor with empty query

Once the context has changed, the default inherited matching cases like e or _ are not matched anymore. There is most likely an obvious issue...

[Updated working version with answer from Evgeny] With the mentioned Receiving trait, Reseau actor becomes

class Reseau(url: String, optSender: Option[ActorRef]) extends Mcma {
  override val actorName: String = "ReseauActor"

  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    // Init the actor with empty query
    context become receiver(active(""))

    * The active method used to handle actor state change with the become helper
    * @param queryDataStr the query string for each call to ReseauActor
    * @return
  def active(queryDataStr: String): Receive = {

    case s: String => context become receiver(active(s))

and the Mcma trait:

trait Mcma extends Receiving with ActorLogging {
  val actorName: String

    * Simple method to be overridden when necessary
    * @param entity the response entity
  protected def handleHttpOK(entity: ResponseEntity): Unit ="$actorName got unhandled OK response")

  // For http response handling
  final implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer(ActorMaterializerSettings(context.system))

  override def preStart(): Unit ="$actorName started")

  override def postStop(): Unit ="$actorName stopped")

  // Add http responses match if necessary
  addReceiver {
    case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, _, entity, _) => handleHttpOK(entity)

    case resp @ HttpResponse(code, _, _, _) =>
      log.error(s"$actorName got response code: {}", code)
      // Discard the flow to avoid backpressure

    case e: Status.Failure => log.error(s"$actorName got failure: {}", e.cause.getMessage)

    case _ => log.warning(s"Unexpected message in $actorName")

and in order to define an actor that would not need to change his internal state, you would just do:

class TLRVJob1() extends Mcma {
  override val actorName: String = "TLRVJob1Actor"

  addReceiver {
    case t: Get => ???


  • I would suggest to modify initial Receiving trait:

    trait Receiving extends Actor {
      var receivers: Receive = Actor.emptyBehavior
      def addReceiver(next: Actor.Receive): Unit = {receivers = receiver(next)}
      def receiver(next: Actor.Receive): Receive = {receivers orElse next}
      def receive: Receive = receivers

    Now, you have two cases, to add permanent part of receive and have class-dependent part for become. Change receiver with addReceiver in hierarchy, and init your Reseau class: instead of


    move this into preStart in form:

    override def preStart(): Unit = {
      context become receiver(active(""))

    and change active method body to

    context become receiver(active(s))