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How do you filter the user with hasRole() in Laravel 5 within relational query?

I want to filter my query and return only if the user hasRole "Premium" and limit the result to 10.

Along with this query is a count of records which Conversion has and sort it in DESC order by total column.

Right now I have a working query that returns the count of Conversion and with a User but without user filter Role.

// Model Conversion belongs to User
// $from & $end uses Carbon::createDate()
// Current code
$query = Conversion::select('user_id',DB::raw('COUNT(*) as total'))
                ->whereBetween('created_at', [$from,$end])
                ->orderBy('total', 'DESC')

// current result
foreach ($query as $q) {
    $q->user->name; // To access user's name
    $q->total; // To access total count

// I tried this but no luck
$query = Conversion::select('user_id',DB::raw('COUNT(*) as total'))
                ->whereBetween('created_at', [$from,$end])
                ->with('user', function($q) {
                ->orderBy('total', 'DESC')


  • You need to use whereHas instead of with, like this:

     ->whereHas('user', function ($query) {