I have an array of signals
var signals = [Signal<ActionResult?, NoError>]()
enum ActionResult
case failed
case pending
case completed
I want to create a combined signal that returns true if one or more of the signals fires a .pending
let doesAnyOfTheActionsLoad = Signal.combineLatest(signals).map { values in
values.reduce(false, { (result, nextResult) -> Bool in
if result == true { return true }
if case .pending? = nextResult {
return true
return false
My only problem is that the combineLatest will only fire if all signals have fired at least once, and i need my signal to fire regardless if all signals have fired. Is there a way to do this in ReactiveSwift?
The other solutions are technically correct but I thought this might fit your use case better.
// Only ever produces either a single `true` or a single `false`.
let doesAnyOfTheActionsLoad =
SignalProducer<Bool, NoError>
.flatten(.merge) // Merge the signals together into a single signal.
.skipNil() // Discard `nil` values.
.map { $0 == .pending } // Convert every value to a bool representing whether that value is `.pending`.
.filter { $0 } // Filter out `false`.
.concat(value: false) // If all signals complete without going to `.pending`, send a `false`.
.take(first: 1) // Only take one value (so we avoid the concatted value in the case that something loads).