Q# is an interesting new language from Microsoft dedicted to performing quantum computation.
Does it compile to a .net library that can be referenced from c# or any other .net language .Net Framework and/or .Net Core Framework (.Net standard maybe)?
If not then how can it be incorporated into classic applications?
If it can be then what will a quantum computer be like? Will it allow to run full .net architecture plus quantum as a coprocessor (somehow like a GPU programming) or how else will it look work like?
Yes, Q# is even transpiled to C# and then compiled as a regular .Net assembly.
You can verify this by (after installing the development kit) running through this tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/quantum/quantum-writeaquantumprogram. Q# and C# code can co-exist in the same project (at the moment). Q# files are converted to .qs.cs files (found under the obj\qsharp\src