I need to run 2 instances of Node-Red on the same laptop. I found this fork: https://github.com/aryeharmon/node-red In this post the author gave some information: How to embed multiple instances of node-red in node app
I don't know how to install his fork. Do i have to download and install it as i did with the classic version of Node-Red? Anything else? It's the first time i try to use a fork, thanks in advance.
You do not need to install a fork of node-red to support running multiple instances.
When you run node-red you can specify what settings file and user data directory it will use via the command-line options:
node-red -s /data/userDirectory/settingsFile.js -u /data/userDirectory
Give each instance its own settings and user data directory - specifying a different port to listen on in the settings file.