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Qt : How to monitor a Q_PROPERTY change on C++ side instead of QML

I am using Qt 5.9.3. I have following property declared in my app's main.qml


MyQuickItem {

    property color nextColor
    onNextColorChanged: {
        console.log("The next color will be: " + nextColor.toString())

// MyQuickItem.h
class MyQuickItem : public QQuickItem {



How can I make onNextColorChanged be defined in the C++ side?

I know that I can also make nextColor as a property inside C++ class MyQuickItem. like so

// MyQuickItem.h
class MyQuickItem : public QQuickItem {

    Q_PROPERTY(QColor nextColor READ nextColor WRITE setNextColor NOTIFY nextColorChanged)

Is it possible to monitor OnNextColorChanged inside MyQuickItem?


  • We can use the QMetaObject to obtain the property and the signal, then we connect it through the old style:

    #ifndef MYQUICKITEM_H
    #define MYQUICKITEM_H
    #include <QQuickItem>
    #include <QDebug>
    class MyQuickItem : public QQuickItem
        MyQuickItem(QQuickItem *parent = Q_NULLPTR): QQuickItem(parent){}
        void componentComplete(){
            int index =metaObject()->indexOfProperty("nextColor");
            const QMetaProperty property = metaObject()->property(index);
            if (property.hasNotifySignal()){
                const QMetaMethod s = property.notifySignal();
                QString sig = QString("2%1").arg(QString(s.methodSignature()));
                connect(this, sig.toStdString().c_str() , this, SLOT(onNextColorChanged()));
    private slots:
        void onNextColorChanged(){
            int index =metaObject()->indexOfProperty("nextColor");
            const QMetaProperty property = metaObject()->property(index);
            qDebug()<<"color" <<;
    #endif // MYQUICKITEM_H

    The complete example can be found in the following link.