Here is the database connection code
require 'sequel'
DB = Sequel.connect('jdbc:mysql://localhost/idemcon?user=root&password=root&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull', :max_connections => 10)
Below is a query to fetch the sum of a column from a MySQL table
Using first method
DB.fetch("SELECT SUM(bill) AS total FROM invoice WHERE provider = '#{provider}' AND invoicedate BETWEEN '#{fromdate}' AND '#{thrudate}';").first[:total] || 0
Using map method and selecting element at zeroth index
DB.fetch("SELECT SUM(bill) AS total FROM invoice WHERE provider = '#{provider}' AND invoicedate BETWEEN '#{fromdate}' AND '#{thrudate}';").map(:total)[0] || 0
Note: I may get null in some cases so that's why appended || 0
to the end of the query
Is there a better way? If not Which one should I use?
This is probably the best way to do what you want:
where(:provider=>provider, :invoice_date=>fromdate..thrudate).
Note that the code you provided may have up to three SQL injection vulnerabilities, depending on whether the variable values are provided by the user.