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Move window when external application's window moves

I've got an always on-top application (basically a status display) that I want to follow around another program and always sit just to the left of the minimize button.

I can get the Rect representing the "target" process using the following code which I can then pair with an offset to generate the initial position of my overlay.

Get the HWnd IntPtr:

private IntPtr HWnd = Process.GetProcessesByName("targetapplication")[0].MainWindowHandle; 

Declare the function from user32.dll:

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hWnd, ref RECT lpRect);

And the appropriate struct:

private struct RECT
    public int Left;
    public int Top;
    public int Right;
    public int Bottom;

And then call it on demand.

However, I would like to avoid constantly polling this value, so I would like to hook into the target application and respond whenever the target window is moved.

Looking around the user32.dll documentation, the only way I can see for doing this is using SetWindowsHookEx(). I'm not entirely sure of how I'd go about intercepting an event from here however.

I believe the target application is built off of WinForms but I cannot be sure. So solutions that let me respond to the target's Move event or directly to some Windows Message would both be useful.

Any ideas on how I can proceed?


  • A method to hook a Windows Form to another process (Notepad, in this case) and follow the movements of the process' Main Window, to create sort of a Toolbar that can interact with the process, using SetWinEventHook().

    To get the hooked Window bounds, GetWindowRect() is not recommended. Better call DwmGetWindowAttribute() passing DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS as the DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE, which still returns a RECT. This because GetWindowRect() is not DpiAware and it may return a virtualized measure in some contexts, plus it includes the Window drop shadow in specific configurations.

    Read more about DpiAwarenes, Screen layout and VirtualScreen here:
    Using SetWindowPos with multiple monitors

    Also refactored the Hook helper class and the NativeMethods declarations.

    ▶ To move to foreground the Tool Window, as in the animation, when the hooked Window becomes the Foreground Window, also hook the EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND event: you'll receive a notification when the Foreground Window changes, then compare with the handle of Window you're hooking.

    A visual representation of the results:

    SetWinEventHook sample image

    The Form class initialization procedure:

    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private IntPtr notepadhWnd;
        private IntPtr hWinEventHook;
        private Process targetProc = null;
        protected Hook.WinEventDelegate WinEventDelegate;
        static GCHandle GCSafetyHandle;
        public Form1()
            WinEventDelegate = new Hook.WinEventDelegate(WinEventCallback);
            GCSafetyHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(WinEventDelegate);
            targetProc = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad").FirstOrDefault(p => p != null);
            try {
                if (targetProc != null) {
                    notepadhWnd = targetProc.MainWindowHandle;
                    if (notepadhWnd != IntPtr.Zero) {
                        uint targetThreadId = Hook.GetWindowThread(notepadhWnd);
                        hWinEventHook = Hook.WinEventHookOne(
                            WinEventDelegate, (uint)targetProc.Id, targetThreadId);
                        var rect = Hook.GetWindowRectangle(notepadhWnd);
                        // Of course, set the Form.StartPosition to Manual
                        Location = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                // Log and message or
        protected void WinEventCallback(
            IntPtr hWinEventHook, 
            NativeMethods.SWEH_Events eventType, 
            IntPtr hWnd, 
            NativeMethods.SWEH_ObjectId idObject, 
            long idChild, uint dwEventThread, uint dwmsEventTime)
            if (hWnd == notepadhWnd && 
                eventType == NativeMethods.SWEH_Events.EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE && 
                idObject == (NativeMethods.SWEH_ObjectId)NativeMethods.SWEH_CHILDID_SELF) 
                var rect = Hook.GetWindowRectangle(hWnd);
                Location = new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top);
        protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Cancel) {
                if (GCSafetyHandle.IsAllocated) GCSafetyHandle.Free();
        protected override void OnShown(EventArgs e)
            if (targetProc == null) {
                MessageBox.Show("Notepad not found!", "Target Missing", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
            else {
                Size = new Size(50, 140);

    The support classes used to reference the Windows API methods:

    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    public class Hook
        public delegate void WinEventDelegate(
            IntPtr hWinEventHook,
            NativeMethods.SWEH_Events eventType,
            IntPtr hwnd,
            NativeMethods.SWEH_ObjectId idObject,
            long idChild,
            uint dwEventThread,
            uint dwmsEventTime
        public static IntPtr WinEventHookRange(
            NativeMethods.SWEH_Events eventFrom, NativeMethods.SWEH_Events eventTo,
            WinEventDelegate eventDelegate,
            uint idProcess, uint idThread)
            return NativeMethods.SetWinEventHook(
                eventFrom, eventTo,
                IntPtr.Zero, eventDelegate,
                idProcess, idThread,
        public static IntPtr WinEventHookOne(
            NativeMethods.SWEH_Events eventId,
            WinEventDelegate eventDelegate,
            uint idProcess,
            uint idThread)
            return NativeMethods.SetWinEventHook(
                eventId, eventId,
                IntPtr.Zero, eventDelegate,
                idProcess, idThread,
        public static bool WinEventUnhook(IntPtr hWinEventHook) => 
        public static uint GetWindowThread(IntPtr hWnd)
            return NativeMethods.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, IntPtr.Zero);
        public static NativeMethods.RECT GetWindowRectangle(IntPtr hWnd)
                out NativeMethods.RECT rect, Marshal.SizeOf<NativeMethods.RECT>());
            return rect;
    public static class NativeMethods
        public struct RECT
            public int Left;
            public int Top;
            public int Right;
            public int Bottom;
            public Rectangle ToRectangle() => Rectangle.FromLTRB(Left, Top, Right, Bottom);
        public static long SWEH_CHILDID_SELF = 0;
        //SetWinEventHook() flags
        public enum SWEH_dwFlags : uint
            WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT = 0x0000,     // Events are ASYNC
            WINEVENT_SKIPOWNTHREAD = 0x0001,    // Don't call back for events on installer's thread
            WINEVENT_SKIPOWNPROCESS = 0x0002,   // Don't call back for events on installer's process
            WINEVENT_INCONTEXT = 0x0004         // Events are SYNC, this causes your dll to be injected into every process
        //SetWinEventHook() events
        public enum SWEH_Events : uint
            EVENT_MIN = 0x00000001,
            EVENT_MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_SOUND = 0x0001,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_ALERT = 0x0002,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND = 0x0003,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUSTART = 0x0004,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUEND = 0x0005,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_MENUPOPUPEND = 0x0007,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTURESTART = 0x0008,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTUREEND = 0x0009,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_MOVESIZEEND = 0x000B,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_DRAGDROPEND = 0x000F,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGSTART = 0x0010,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_DIALOGEND = 0x0011,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGEND = 0x0013,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_SWITCHSTART = 0x0014,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_SWITCHEND = 0x0015,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZESTART = 0x0016,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_MINIMIZEEND = 0x0017,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_DESKTOPSWITCH = 0x0020,
            EVENT_SYSTEM_END = 0x00FF,
            EVENT_OEM_DEFINED_START = 0x0101,
            EVENT_OEM_DEFINED_END = 0x01FF,
            EVENT_UIA_EVENTID_START = 0x4E00,
            EVENT_UIA_EVENTID_END = 0x4EFF,
            EVENT_UIA_PROPID_START = 0x7500,
            EVENT_UIA_PROPID_END = 0x75FF,
            EVENT_CONSOLE_CARET = 0x4001,
            EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_REGION = 0x4002,
            EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SIMPLE = 0x4003,
            EVENT_CONSOLE_UPDATE_SCROLL = 0x4004,
            EVENT_CONSOLE_LAYOUT = 0x4005,
            EVENT_CONSOLE_END = 0x40FF,
            EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE = 0x8000,               // hwnd ID idChild is created item
            EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY = 0x8001,              // hwnd ID idChild is destroyed item
            EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW = 0x8002,                 // hwnd ID idChild is shown item
            EVENT_OBJECT_HIDE = 0x8003,                 // hwnd ID idChild is hidden item
            EVENT_OBJECT_REORDER = 0x8004,              // hwnd ID idChild is parent of zordering children
            EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS = 0x8005,                // hwnd ID idChild is focused item
            EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTION = 0x8006,            // hwnd ID idChild is selected item (if only one), or idChild is OBJID_WINDOW if complex
            EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONADD = 0x8007,         // hwnd ID idChild is item added
            EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONREMOVE = 0x8008,      // hwnd ID idChild is item removed
            EVENT_OBJECT_SELECTIONWITHIN = 0x8009,      // hwnd ID idChild is parent of changed selected items
            EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE = 0x800A,          // hwnd ID idChild is item w/ state change
            EVENT_OBJECT_LOCATIONCHANGE = 0x800B,       // hwnd ID idChild is moved/sized item
            EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE = 0x800C,           // hwnd ID idChild is item w/ name change
            EVENT_OBJECT_DESCRIPTIONCHANGE = 0x800D,    // hwnd ID idChild is item w/ desc change
            EVENT_OBJECT_VALUECHANGE = 0x800E,          // hwnd ID idChild is item w/ value change
            EVENT_OBJECT_PARENTCHANGE = 0x800F,         // hwnd ID idChild is item w/ new parent
            EVENT_OBJECT_HELPCHANGE = 0x8010,           // hwnd ID idChild is item w/ help change
            EVENT_OBJECT_DEFACTIONCHANGE = 0x8011,      // hwnd ID idChild is item w/ def action change
            EVENT_OBJECT_ACCELERATORCHANGE = 0x8012,    // hwnd ID idChild is item w/ keybd accel change
            EVENT_OBJECT_INVOKED = 0x8013,              // hwnd ID idChild is item invoked
            EVENT_OBJECT_TEXTSELECTIONCHANGED = 0x8014, // hwnd ID idChild is item w? test selection change
            EVENT_OBJECT_END = 0x80FF,
            EVENT_AIA_START = 0xA000,
            EVENT_AIA_END = 0xAFFF
        //SetWinEventHook() Object Ids
        public enum SWEH_ObjectId : long
            OBJID_WINDOW = 0x00000000,
            OBJID_MENU = 0xFFFFFFFD,
            OBJID_CLIENT = 0xFFFFFFFC,
            OBJID_SIZEGRIP = 0xFFFFFFF9,
            OBJID_CARET = 0xFFFFFFF8,
            OBJID_CURSOR = 0xFFFFFFF7,
            OBJID_ALERT = 0xFFFFFFF6,
            OBJID_SOUND = 0xFFFFFFF5,
        public enum DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE : uint
            DWMWA_NCRENDERING_ENABLED = 1,      // [get] Is non-client rendering enabled/disabled
            DWMWA_NCRENDERING_POLICY,           // [set] DWMNCRENDERINGPOLICY - Non-client rendering policy - Enable or disable non-client rendering
            DWMWA_TRANSITIONS_FORCEDISABLED,    // [set] Potentially enable/forcibly disable transitions
            DWMWA_ALLOW_NCPAINT,                // [set] Allow contents rendered In the non-client area To be visible On the DWM-drawn frame.
            DWMWA_CAPTION_BUTTON_BOUNDS,        // [get] Bounds Of the caption button area In window-relative space.
            DWMWA_NONCLIENT_RTL_LAYOUT,         // [set] Is non-client content RTL mirrored
            DWMWA_FORCE_ICONIC_REPRESENTATION,  // [set] Force this window To display iconic thumbnails.
            DWMWA_FLIP3D_POLICY,                // [set] Designates how Flip3D will treat the window.
            DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS,        // [get] Gets the extended frame bounds rectangle In screen space
            DWMWA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP,            // [set] Indicates an available bitmap When there Is no better thumbnail representation.
            DWMWA_DISALLOW_PEEK,                // [set] Don't invoke Peek on the window.
            DWMWA_EXCLUDED_FROM_PEEK,           // [set] LivePreview exclusion information
            DWMWA_CLOAK,                        // [set] Cloak Or uncloak the window
            DWMWA_CLOAKED,                      // [get] Gets the cloaked state Of the window. Returns a DWMCLOACKEDREASON object
            DWMWA_FREEZE_REPRESENTATION,        // [set] BOOL, Force this window To freeze the thumbnail without live update
            DWMWA_ACCENTPOLICY = 19
        public static SWEH_dwFlags WinEventHookInternalFlags =
        [DllImport("dwmapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        internal static extern int DwmGetWindowAttribute(IntPtr hwnd, DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE dwAttribute, out RECT pvAttribute, int cbAttribute);
        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        internal static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);
        internal static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr voidProcessId);
        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
        internal static extern IntPtr SetWinEventHook(
            SWEH_Events eventMin,
            SWEH_Events eventMax,
            IntPtr hmodWinEventProc,
            Hook.WinEventDelegate lpfnWinEventProc,
            uint idProcess, uint idThread,
            SWEH_dwFlags dwFlags);
        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = false)]
        internal static extern bool UnhookWinEvent(IntPtr hWinEventHook);