I have a view controller embedded in a navigation controller. I segue to a view controller via a "show" segue. From there I navigate to a tableviewcontroller via a "show" segue. The navigation bar shows up with the back button but upon didclickrow self.dismiss does nothing. The completion block never executes. I'm baffled. There has to be some rule I don't understand about view controllers.
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: {
The "show segue" is used to push a view controller. So your code will not work as you are trying to dismiss the view controller that was not presented.
You should dismiss only when a view controller is presented or you have used a "Present Modally Segue" type.
You should use popViewController
when you have used "Push Segue" type or have pushed a view controller.
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)