In a model that contains the following dimensions: - Time - granularity month - 5 years - 20 quarters - 60 months - Suppliers- 6000 suppliers at lowest level - departments - 500 departments on lowest level
I need to have the distinct count of the suppliers for each department.
I use the function:
with member [measures].[#suppliers] as
select [Measures].[#suppliers] on 0
, order([Department].[Department].[department].members, [#suppliers], BDESC) on 1
from [cube]
where [Time].[Time].[2017 10]:[Time].[Time].[2018 01]
The time component may vary, as the dashboard user is free to choose a reporting period.
But the MDX is very slow. It takes about 38ms to calculate the measure for each row. I want to use this measure to rank the departments and to calculate a cumulative % and assign scores to these values. As you can imagine performance will not improve.
I have tried to use functions and cache the result, but results - for me - got worse (according to the log 2x as bad).
What can I do to improve the performance?
To go fast adding a measure that calculates de Distinct Count on the Supplier ID of the table associated to[Measures].[Amount] will help. In the Schema definition.
The other ones are not scalable as Supplier is growing.
Nonetheless, why did you use DistinctCount instead of Count(NonEmpty())) ?
DistinctCount is mainly for calculating the number of members/tuples that are different in a set. It only makes sense if it's possible to have two same members in a set. As our initial members have no duplicated, it's useless.
Count(NonEmpty()) filters the set whith the nonempty and counts the number of items in the set. This can be easily calculated in parallel