I have a webapp deployed successfully in Jetty webserver. The webserver responds to requests fine. When I access the app it renders the home page. Recently I noticed that when I don't use the app for certain period of time it breaks somehow. The period is somewhere around 2/3 weeks. When I access the webapp after 2/3 weeks of idle I receive this output. If I try to access any other link, i.e. the login page (/login.faces) I receive:
Problem accessing /error/not-found.faces. Reason: /error/not-found.xhtml Not Found in ExternalContext as a Resource
which normally used to work before idling. If I restart the webserver everything returns to normal and works fine. There are scheduled tasks set which make the app interact every day with database. (There is a scheduled task for fetching currency rates via webservice).
Therefore, my question is what would be the cause which breaks the site and makes it unavailable after idling? Is this a webserver (jetty) issue? Am I missing any setting which is crucial?
FYI, the project structure is: Java with Spring, Hibernate, JSF (PrimeFaces) and Jetty
This occurred due to permissions in CentOS. If anyone faces the same issue make sure to check the logs have appropriate permissions to read and write