I have a CellTable in GWT, where the last column is a ButtonCell. I wanted to add tooltips to the buttons, based on an attribute of the object used. The problem is that each object has different values for that attribute, but GWT displays the same tooltip text for all the buttons(taken from the last row of the table). Any tips?
final ButtonCellDefinitionExtended<MyObject> def = new ButtonCellDefinitionExtended<MyObject>() {
public boolean isVisible(MyObject bean) {
return bean.getAttribute1() != null;
public String getTooltip(MyObject bean) {
return bean.getAttribute2(); //doesn't work
The class:
public class ButtonCellDefinitionExtended<T> extends CellColumnDefinition<T, String> {
private String tooltipText;
private TooltipCellDecorator<String> cellDecorator;
private ButtonCell buttonCell;
public ButtonCellDefinitionExtended() {
buttonCell = new ButtonCell();
cellDecorator = new TooltipCellDecorator<>(buttonCell);
protected Cell<String> getCell() {
return cellDecorator;
protected String getValueOf(T bean) {
if (getTooltip(bean) != null) {
return getButtonText(bean);
P.S: The visibility of the buttons is correctly set for each of them.
You can use AbstractCell
and it's render()
method to get (almost) any cell you like.
Note, that the AbstractCell
's constructors takes consumedEvents
in parameters and you can handle those events in onBrowserEvent()
And note, that consumedEvents
are fired for the whole cell, not only for the rendered buttons.
The easiest way to hide a button is to render nothing ;)
Working example code for button with tooltip:
AbstractCell<String> cell = new AbstractCell<String>(ClickEvent.getType().getName()) {
public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
Button button = new Button("Button " + value);
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, String value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
if(event.getType() == ClickEvent.getType().getName())
Window.alert("Clicked: " + value);
table.addColumn(new Column<String, String>(cell) {
public String getValue(String object) {
return object;
}, "Buttons");
table.setRowData(Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C"));
Result: columns with buttons with tooltips: