How can we implement it using powerBuilder.
For reference, The Java implementation of the above case is as follows:
import org.apache.tomcat.util.codec.binary.Base64;
public String getClientEncoded() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String givenString= "Input_String";
String bytesEncoded = Base64.encodeBase64String(valueToHash.getBytes("UTF-8"));
System.out.println("encoded value is " + bytesEncoded);
return bytesEncoded ;
As per Matt's reply, Used this below code from the 1st link:
String ls_valueToBeEncoded
blob lblob
ls_valueToBeEncoded = "realhowto"
lblob = Blob(ls_valueToBeEncoded)
ULong lul_len, lul_buflen
Boolean lb_rtn
lul_len = Len(ablob_data)
lul_buflen = lul_len * 2
ls_encoded = Space(lul_buflen)
lb_rtn = CryptBinaryToString(ablob_data, &
lul_len, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64, &
ref ls_encoded, lul_buflen) // Used ref ls_encoded to get the string. Otherwise, junk characters gets stored in ls_encoded.`
Used the below code in Global External Function:
`FUNCTION boolean CryptBinaryToString ( &
Blob pbBinary, &
ulong cbBinary, &
ulong dwFlags, &
Ref string pszString, &
Ref ulong pcchString ) &
LIBRARY "crypt32.dll" ALIAS FOR "CryptBinaryToStringA;Ansi"`
According to the 1st link suggested by Matt, The string "realhowto"
should be converted to "cmVhbGhvd3Rv."
But when I tried the above code, I got "cgBlAGEAbABoAG8AdwB0AG8A"
Any advise will be appreciated.
Check out this link
Make sure you look at the comments as well.
Another option is here.
Real's How To is a very good reference for many PowerBuilder tips.