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Sourcemaps in puppeteer?

I'm puppeteering (could this be a verb?) an app built with webpack and on page.on('error') I get errors like this:

TypeError: is not a function
    at _default.<anonymous> (....../app.js:23858:89)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at step (....../app.js:35041:30)
    at ....../app.js:35052:13

Is there a way, and if so how could I get these errors correctly sourcemapped?

(I know for sure I'm generating the sourcemaps)


  • I did it in the following way... A bit delayed but someone might find it useful.

    Once you have navigated to the page throwing the error you inject this lib:

    await page.addScriptTag({
      url: '',

    Then you listen for the error events:

    page.on('pageerror', logStackTrace);
    page.on('error', logStackTrace);

    In the logStackTrace function you extract the sourcemapped stacktrace as follows and log it:

    const logStackTrace = async (error) => {
      page.evaluate(stack => new Promise(resolve =>
        window.sourceMappedStackTrace.mapStackTrace(stack, (newStack) => {
      ), typeof error.stack === 'string' ? error.stack : error.stack.join('\n'))
      .then((result) => {
        console.log('ERROR:', error.message, result[0]);

    It only correctly maps the first line of the stack for me though. Still infinitely more useful.