I was trying to find an example about how to use TryScan
, but haven't found any, could you help me?
What I would like to do (quite simplified example): I have a MailboxProcessor
that accepts
two types of mesages.
First one GetState
returns current state.
messages are sent quite frequently
The other UpdateState
is very expensive (time consuming) - e.g. downloading something from internet and then updates the state accordingly.
is called only rarely.
My problem is - messages GetState
are blocked and wait until preceding UpdateState
are served. That's why I tried to use TryScan
to process all GetState
messages, but with no luck.
My example code:
type Msg = GetState of AsyncReplyChannel<int> | UpdateState
let mbox = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
let rec loop state = async {
// this TryScan doesn't work as expected
// it should process GetState messages and then continue
mbox.TryScan(fun m ->
match m with
| GetState(chnl) ->
printfn "G processing TryScan"
Some(async { return! loop state})
| _ -> None
) |> ignore
let! msg = mbox.Receive()
match msg with
| UpdateState ->
printfn "U processing"
// something very time consuming here...
async { do! Async.Sleep(1000) } |> Async.RunSynchronously
return! loop (state+1)
| GetState(chnl) ->
printfn "G processing"
return! loop state
loop 0
[async { for i in 1..10 do
printfn " U"
async { do! Async.Sleep(200) } |> Async.RunSynchronously
async { // wait some time so that several `UpdateState` messages are fired
async { do! Async.Sleep(500) } |> Async.RunSynchronously
for i in 1..20 do
printfn "G"
printfn "%d" (mbox.PostAndReply(GetState))
}] |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously
If you try to run the code, you will see, that GetState
message is not almost processed, because it waits for the result. On the other hand UpdateState
is only fire-and-forget, thus blocking effectively getting state.
Current solution that works for me is this one:
type Msg = GetState of AsyncReplyChannel<int> | UpdateState
let mbox = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun mbox ->
let rec loop state = async {
// this TryScan doesn't work as expected
// it should process GetState messages and then continue
let! res = mbox.TryScan((function
| GetState(chnl) -> Some(async {
return state
| _ -> None
), 5)
match res with
| None ->
let! msg = mbox.Receive()
match msg with
| UpdateState ->
async { do! Async.Sleep(1000) } |> Async.RunSynchronously
return! loop (state+1)
| _ -> return! loop state
| Some n -> return! loop n
loop 0
Reactions to comments: the idea with other MailboxProcessor
or ThreadPool
that executes UpdateState
in parallel is great, but I don't need it currently.
All I wanted to do is to process all GetState
messages and after that the others. I don't care that during processing UpdateState
the agent is blocked.
I'll show you what was the problem on the output:
// GetState messages are delayed 500 ms - see do! Async.Sleep(500)
// each UpdateState is sent after 200ms
// each GetState is sent immediatelly! (not real example, but illustrates the problem)
U 200ms <-- issue UpdateState
U processing <-- process UpdateState, it takes 1sec, so other
U 200ms 5 requests are sent; sent means, that it is
U 200ms fire-and-forget message - it doesn't wait for any result
and therefore it can send every 200ms one UpdateState message
G <-- first GetState sent, but waiting for reply - so all
previous UpdateState messages have to be processed! = 3 seconds
and AFTER all the UpdateState messages are processed, result
is returned and new GetState can be sent.
U 200ms
U 200ms because each UpdateState takes 1 second
U 200ms
U processing
U processing
G processing <-- now first GetState is processed! so late? uh..
U processing <-- takes 1sec
U processing <-- takes 1sec
U processing <-- takes 1sec
U processing <-- takes 1sec
U processing <-- takes 1sec
U processing <-- takes 1sec
U processing <-- takes 1sec
G processing <-- after MANY seconds, second GetState is processed!
G processing
// from this line, only GetState are issued and processed, because
// there is no UpdateState message in the queue, neither it is sent
I don't think that the TryScan
method will help you in this scenario. It allows you to specify timeout to be used while waiting for messages. Once some message is received, it will start processing the message (ignoring the timeout).
For example, if you wanted to wait for some specific message, but perform some other checking every second (while waiting) you could write:
let loop () = async {
let! res = mbox.TryScan(function
| ImportantMessage -> Some(async {
// process message
return 0
| _ -> None)
match res with
| None ->
// perform some check & continue waiting
return! loop ()
| Some n ->
// ImportantMessage was received and processed
What can you do to avoid blocking the mailbox processor when processing the UpdateState
message? The mailbox processor is (logically) single-threaded - you probably don't want to cancel the processing of UpdateState
message, so the best option is to start processing it in background and wait until the processing completes. The code that processes UpdateState
can then send some message back to the mailbox (e.g. UpdateStateCompleted
Here is a sketch how this might look:
let rec loop (state) = async {
let! msg = mbox.Receive()
match msg with
| GetState(repl) ->
return! scanning state
| UpdateState ->
async {
// complex calculation (runs in parallel)
mbox.Post(UpdateStateCompleted newState) }
|> Async.Start
| UpdateStateCompleted newState ->
// Received new state from background workflow
return! loop newState }
Now that the background task is running in parallel, you need to be careful about mutable state. Also, if you send UpdateState
messages faster than you can process them, you'll be in trouble. This can be fixed, for example, by ignoring or queueing requests when you're already processing previous one.