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Printing synsets of words in a list in python

I wish to print synonyms of all the words of the list list

    from nltk.corpus import wordnet
    syns = []
    x = 0
    lst = ['performance','camera', 'ram', 'cost', 'battery']
    for r in lst:
        syns = wordnet.synsets(r)
        i = len(syns)
        for x in range(0, i):

But I get the following error:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "", line 9, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range


  • I'd recommend using a dictionary indexed by words to hold your synonyms. You will need 3 loops:

    1. The outermost loop iterates over each word
    2. The mid loop iterates over each synset for a word
    3. The innermost loop iterates over each lemma per synset

    You can append each lemma to its corresponding synset list.

    words = ['performance','camera', 'ram', 'cost', 'battery']
    syns = {w : [] for w in words}
    for k, v in syns.items():
        for synset in wordnet.synsets(k):
            for lemma in synset.lemmas():

    {'battery': ['battery',
     'camera': ['camera',
     'cost': ['cost',
     'performance': ['performance',
     'ram': ['random-access_memory',