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Get parts of DOCUMENT_URI using regex and SSI

I'm using Apache 2.4 and Server Side Includes.

When I use this:

<!--#echo var="DOCUMENT_URI" -->

It returns: /foo/bar/file.html

I want to capture the parts of the URI, i.e.:

  <!--#if expr='v("DOCUMENT_URI") =~ [\/\\](.+)[\/\\](.+)[\/\\](.+)[.]'-->
    <!--#set var='URI_PART1' value='$1' -->
    <!--#set var='URI_PART2' value='$2' -->
    <!--#set var='URI_PART3' value='$3' -->
  <!--#else -->
  <!--#endif -->

I have tried a lot of variations, but cannot get Apache to recognise the regex at all, in any way. I was expecting "foo", "bar" and "file" to be recorded but instead receive the error [an error occurred while processing this directive].

I know the syntax has changed since Apache 2.4 and the above is what I've come up with based on my understanding of the new syntax..

Any help appreciated!


  • This is reported as a bug, but un-resolved:

    There is a workaround as demonstrated in comment 8, to extract single values via $0, by adding this fragment:

    && $1 =~ /(.*)

    which maps $1 to $0 as $0 is properly exported.

    So you would have to extract your parts one at a time.

    The other workaround is to enable and work with SSILegacyExprParser