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gsutil command to delete old files from last day

I have a bucket in google cloud storage. I have a tmp folder in bucket. Thousands of files are being created each day in this directory. I want to delete files that are older than 1 day every night. I could not find an argument on gsutil for this job. I had to use a classic and simple shell script to do this. But the files are deleting very slowly.

I have 650K files accumulated in the folder. 540K of them must be deleted. But my own shell script worked for 1 day and only 34K files could be deleted.

The gsutil lifecycle feature is not able to do exactly what I want. He's cleaning the whole bucket. I just want to delete the files regularly at the bottom of certain folder.. At the same time I want to do deletion faster.

I'm open to your suggestions and your help. Can I do this with a single gsutil command? or a different method?

simple script I created for testing (I prepared to delete bulk files temporarily.)

    ## step 1 - I pull the files together with the date format and save them to the file list1.txt.
gsutil -m ls -la gs://mygooglecloudstorage/tmp/ | awk '{print $2,$3}' > /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/list1.txt

## step 2 - I filter the information saved in the file list1.txt. Based on the current date, I save the old dated files to file list2.txt.
cat /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/list1.txt | awk -F "T" '{print $1,$2,$3}' | awk '{print $1,$3}' | awk -F "#" '{print $1}' |grep -v `date +%F` |sort -bnr > /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/list2.txt

## step 3 - After the above process, I add the gsutil delete command to the first line and convert it into a shell script.
cat /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/list2.txt | awk '{$1 = "/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil -m rm -r "; print}' > /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/

## step 4 - I'm set the script permissions and delete old lists.
chmod 755 /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/
rm -rf /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/list1.txt /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/list2.txt

## step 5 - I run the shell script and I destroy it after it is done.
/bin/sh /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/
rm -rf /tmp/gsutil-tmp-files/


  • There is a very simple way to do this, for example:

    gsutil -m ls -l gs://bucket-name/ | grep 2017-06-23 | grep .jpg  | awk '{print $3}' | gsutil -m rm -I