I have some routes in my code, and user can choose which one they wanna see on their map. For example, there are route X and route Y. Then user is seeing route Y and tap a button to see route X. Route Y is hidden and route X is shown.
Now here's my code to show route X (same for route Y, except different properties)
FeatureCollection featureCollection = BaseFeatureCollection.FromJson
("{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":" +
"[{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"LineString\"" +
",\"coordinates\":[" + stringCoordinates + "]},\"properties\":{}}]}");
GeoJsonSource geoJsonSource = new GeoJsonSource("route", featureCollection);
_lineLayerX = new LineLayer("linelayerred", "route");
PropertyFactory.LineWidth(new Java.Lang.Float(8.0f)),
if (isShowRouteX) {
Then when I wan't to hide and show another route
Code simplified, but basically that's all I do, and it does shows the route.
Now, the first time I add LineLayer
, it would be shown immediately on map, I don't need to zoom in or out. But if new LineLayer
added (after removing the old one), changes won't appear unless map is zoomed in or out, as if I have to do that to trigger redraw. Not even panning map to any direction would make new line appear. RemoveLayer
executed flawlessly though.
I've even tried _mapView.Invalidate()
, still doesn't work. What should I add so that user won't need to zoom in/out to see new LayerLine
Also, I know that PropertyFactory
has Visibility
and it should/might work better for my problem, yet it doesn't work, especially Property.None
. And not sure if it's still on topic in this questions, so I won't go further into it.
Finally found it, apparently I lacked this line
I put it on
and now the new line appears without the needs to zoom in or out.