You can download the data here
Each row represents one object that can be found in different parts, as shown in the XY coordinates (x1,y1; x2,y2;...; xn,yn). In this dataset, the rows with more points are "1", "16" and "18", with 4 points (coordinates) each.
I would like to scatterplot all of those XY coordinates using ggplot2, and to trace lines between points in each row separately.
I finally did it manually by running several codes:
First, I removed columns with no data:
Refits_H <- within(Refits_H, {
Unit <- NULL
x5 <- NULL
x6 <- NULL
x7 <- NULL
x8 <- NULL
x9 <- NULL
x10 <- NULL
x11 <- NULL
y5 <- NULL
y6 <- NULL
y7 <- NULL
y8 <- NULL
y9 <- NULL
y10 <- NULL
y11 <- NULL
Second, I reorder the rows and the columns:
Refits_H <- with(Refits_H, Refits_H[order(y4, y3, y2, y1, decreasing=FALSE),])
Refits_H <- Refits_H[c("x4","y4","x3","y3","x2","y2","x1","y1")]
And finally I answered my own question my running this code:
Refits_H_trans <- gather(Refits_H, xy, val) %>%
mutate(coord = substr(xy, 1, 1),
pair = parse_number(xy)) %>%
group_by(xy) %>%
mutate(sample = 1:n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(-xy) %>%
spread(coord, val) %>%
filter(! & !