I am integrating Stickers to my chatviewcontroller .
But am not able to understand how can i take it forward , There is some code snippet provided on Quickblox documentation but confused where to place the code and how to handle stickers .enter code here
1 . pod "StickerPipe" - Done
2 . [STKStickersManager initWitApiKey:@"API_KEY"]; - Done
3. if ([STKStickersManager isStickerMessage:message]) {
[self.stickerImageView stk_setStickerWithMessage:message placeholder:nil placeholderColor:nil progress:nil completion:nil];
Is this the code i need to write for Input textview on chat . And how
@property (strong, nonatomic) STKStickerController *stickerController;
self.inputTextView.inputView = self.stickerController.stickersView;
[self reloadStickersInputViews];
Wrote the property , but not sure how to handle the sticker
5 .
- (void)stickerController:(STKStickerController *)stickerController didSelectStickerWithMessage:(NSString *)message {
//Send sticker message
What would be the code inside the delegate .
Please suggest .
We can add sticker by following steps, I have added for outgoing similarly we can add for incoming also
i)Create a cell called QMChatStickerOutGoingCell and has imageView property say stickerImageView
ii)ChatViewController (Subclass of QMChatViewController)need to know cell type for QMChatStickerOutGoingCell so we can execute like below
- (Class)viewClassForItem:(QBChatMessage *)item {
if ([STKStickersManager isStickerMessage: item.text]) {
return [QMChatStickerOutGoingCell class];
//Add condition for other cells
iii)Update the sticker
- (void)collectionView:(QMChatCollectionView *)collectionView
configureCell:(UICollectionViewCell *)cell forIndexPath:(NSIndexPath
[super collectionView:collectionView configureCell:cell forIndexPath:indexPath];
QMChatCell *chatCell = (QMChatCell *)cell;
// subscribing to cell delegate
[chatCell setDelegate:self];
[chatCell containerView].highlightColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0.5 alpha:0.5];
QBChatMessage *message = [self.chatDataSource messageForIndexPath:indexPath];
if ([cell isKindOfClass:[QMChatStickerOutGoingCell class]]){
[chatCell containerView].bgColor = [UIColor redColor];
[(QMChatStickerOutGoingCell *)chatCell fillWithStickerMessage: message.text downloaded: [self.stickerController isStickerPackDownloaded: message.text]];
//Handle for other cells