I am trying to use GCP stack-driver for my ruby project to monitor logs and debugging . the issue is when i copy my credentials file path to my circle ci GOOGLE-APPLICATIION-CREDENTIAL enviroment variable i get an error of failed to authenticate at the circleCI level
this is my error
Note: Google::Cloud::Logging is disabled because it failed to authorize with the service. (Unable to read the credential file specified by GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
Note: Google::Cloud::Debugger is disabled because it failed to authorize with the service. (Unable to read the credential file specified by GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: file
I found my solution you have to place the credentials file above the build ,something like this : echo ${GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS} > ${HOME}/account.json GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="${HOME}/account.json"
now the issue is the debugger displays this text
no source version information provided