I have built a program that have severals structs inside it. We have the "base" struct called Booking that is going to contain all information needed for making a reservation at a vacation location. It looks like this:
typedef struct {
char forename[NAME_LEN];
char surname[NAME_LEN];
char socialNr[SOCIAL_NR];
int nrOfPerson;
Person arrPerson[MAX_GUEST];
int rentPeriod[2];
int totalCost;
Cabin *cabin;
int seniorCard;
int juniorCard;
int childCard;
} Booking;
Booking also contains 2 other structs, one array of Persons that will hold up to 8 people max that can be in a booking, and also a struct for a Cabin. Both of these ones looks like this:
typedef struct {
char forename[NAME_LEN];
char surname[NAME_LEN];
char socialNr[SOCIAL_NR];
Skicard *ptrSkicard;
int age;
} Person;
typedef struct {
int nr;
int cost;
int booked[WEEKS];
int typeOfCabin;
} Cabin;
And the person struct also holds an additional struct for a skicard which looks like this:
typedef struct {
int price;
} Skicard;
My questions is how I now correctly de-allocate the memory of all of these ones when they are inside each other?
I have started and I thought I have to go from inside an move out so I tried to remove all the skicards first, then I would remove the Persons, and then the cabin and last the booking itself.
void removeBooking(Booking *booking)
for (int i = 0; i < booking->nrOfPerson; i++)
printf("%d", booking->nrOfPerson);
But I'm stuck here. How do I do this properly?
Edit: Forgot to show how the allocation was done.
Booking *allBookings = (Booking *)malloc(sizeof(Booking) * 1);
Cabin *ptrCabin = (Cabin *)malloc(sizeof(Cabin) * 1);
Skicard *ptrSkicard = (Skicard *)malloc(sizeof(Skicard) * 1);
First of all, please note that some structures, i.e.
Person arrPerson[MAX_GUEST];
are integral part of Booking
structure and should not be neither allocated nor deallocated -- those will be allocated/deallocated with Booking
But the structures we keep just a pointer to, i.e.:
Skicard *ptrSkicard;
Cabin *cabin;
should be allocated and deallocated.
Basically you should deallocate in reverse order of your allocation. For example, allocation could be:
malloc Booking
malloc Skicards in a loop
malloc Cabin
So the deallocation should be in reverse, i.e.:
free Cabin
free Skicards in a loop
free Booking