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PowerShell - lowercase first word after special character in txt files

I have a lot of .txt files where I need to lowercase every instance of a string/word after the character "%" but not the following words after the first word. I'm trying to do it in PowerShell.

I have this:


I need this:

%word WORD2 WORD3 %word4

The code below makes all content in the files lowercase and I need it to only do it in all instances of the first word after the character "%".

Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse | foreach{    
    (Get-Content $_.FullName).ToLower() | Out-File $_.FullName


  • Sorry Ando, I forgot the answer your question in the comment. This is how the regex should look like: (?s)(?<=%)(\w+).*(?=;)

    enter image description here

    Here the code to lowercase the first word:

    $callback = {  param($match) $match.Groups[1].Value.ToLower() }
    $rex = [regex]'(?s)(?<=%)(\w+).*(?=;)'
    Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
            $rex.Replace((Get-Content $_ -raw), $callback) | Out-File $_.FullName

    Note: If you don't need to do that for every word between % an ;, then the regex would be:
