I need to get navigation nodes as appear in top navigation bar programmatically in SharePoint 2013 publishing site I did search for that and i got it with code bellow but its give me hidden item and I dint want to get hidden ones so how to get items exclude hidden items (If I use node.IsVisible in code its gives me true all time even if the item is hidden from navigation)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(path))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
PublishingWeb publishingWeb = PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWeb(web);
SPNavigationNodeCollection navocol = publishingWeb.Navigation.GlobalNavigationNodes;
foreach (SPNavigationNode node in navocol)
lbl.Text = lbl.Text + " + " + node.Title + "" + node.Url + " " + node.GetType();
//SPNavigationNodeCollection navCol = web.Navigation.TopNavigationBar;
//foreach (SPNavigationNode node in navCol)
//lbl.Text = lbl.Text + " + " + node.Title + "" + node.Url;
Try to use web.AllProperties["__GlobalNavigationExcludes"]
, below code works based on my testing, referenced thread.
string GlobalNavigationExcludes = (string)web.AllProperties["__GlobalNavigationExcludes"];
Hashtable ReturnExcludedUrls = new Hashtable();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GlobalNavigationExcludes))
string[] ExcludedGuids = GlobalNavigationExcludes.Split(';');
for (int i = 0; i < ExcludedGuids.Length - 1; i++)
string guid = ExcludedGuids[i];
Guid ExcludedGuid = new Guid(guid);
SPWeb SubWeb = web.Webs[ExcludedGuid];
ReturnExcludedUrls.Add(SubWeb.ServerRelativeUrl, "");
catch (Exception e1)
SPListItem Page = web.Lists["Pages"].Items[ExcludedGuid];
string ExcludedURL = String.Concat(web.ServerRelativeUrl, "/", Page.Url);
ReturnExcludedUrls.Add(ExcludedURL, "");
catch (Exception e2)
{ }