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NODE Cannot GET routes function

I have created a folder testint My testint/app.js having following code

const express = require('express');  const path = require('path');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');  const cors = require('cors');
const passport = require('passport');  const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const app = express();   const port = 7000;  app.use(cors());


app.use('/users', users); //Not working

app.get('/',(req,res) => {
    res.send("Invalid Endpoint");

app.listen(port, () =>{
console.log('Server started on port '+ port);

testint/routes/users.js contains :

const express = require('express');   const router = express.Router();    

    router.get('/register',(req, res, next) => {
    module.exports = router;

If I run http://localhost:7000/users/register

Am getting : Cannot GET /users/register

I dint know where am wrong and am new to node any help will be appreciated.


  • I got solution. I didn't include

    const users = require('./routes/users'); 

    in app.js

    and res.send('Authenticate'); in users.js is not required for instance.