I know that appcenter build process is capable to increment build numbers when creating appxbundle packages. However I build packages via vsts service and then deploy packages to appcenter for further testing.
How can I get the same functionality on vsts side? I need somehow increment build numbers for packages get deployed to appcenter
You can update the version through PowerShell (add PowerShell task to build definition), the sample scripts: UpdateVersion.ps1
#Based on https://www.visualstudio.com/docs/build/scripts/index # Enable -Verbose option [CmdletBinding()] $VersionRegex = "\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+" $ManifestVersionRegex = " Version=""\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+""" if (-not $Env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER) { Write-Error ("BUILD_BUILDNUMBER environment variable is missing.") exit 1 } Write-Verbose "BUILD_BUILDNUMBER: $Env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER" $ScriptPath = $null try { $ScriptPath = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value.MyCommand.Path $ScriptDir = Split-Path -Parent $ScriptPath } catch {} if (!$ScriptPath) { Write-Error "Current path not found!" exit 1 } # Get and validate the version data $VersionData = [regex]::matches($Env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER,$VersionRegex) switch($VersionData.Count) { 0 { Write-Error "Could not find version number data in BUILD_BUILDNUMBER." exit 1 } 1 {} default { Write-Warning "Found more than instance of version data in BUILD_BUILDNUMBER." Write-Warning "Will assume first instance is version." } } $NewVersion = $VersionData[0] Write-Verbose "Version: $NewVersion" $AssemblyVersion = $NewVersion $ManifestVersion = " Version=""$NewVersion""" Write-Host "Version: $AssemblyVersion" Write-Host "Manifest: $ManifestVersion" Write-Host "ScriptDir: " $ScriptDir # Apply the version to the assembly property files $assemblyInfoFiles = gci $ScriptDir -recurse -include "*Properties*","My Project" | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer } | foreach { gci -Path $_.FullName -Recurse -include AssemblyInfo.* } if($assemblyInfoFiles) { Write-Host "Will apply $AssemblyVersion to $($assemblyInfoFiles.count) Assembly Info Files." foreach ($file in $assemblyInfoFiles) { $filecontent = Get-Content($file) attrib $file -r $filecontent -replace $VersionRegex, $AssemblyVersion | Out-File $file utf8 Write-Host "$file.FullName - version applied" } } else { Write-Warning "No Assembly Info Files found." } # Try Manifests $manifestFiles = gci .\ -recurse -include "Package.appxmanifest" if($manifestFiles) { Write-Host "Will apply $ManifestVersion to $($manifestFiles.count) Manifests." foreach ($file in $manifestFiles) { $filecontent = Get-Content($file) attrib $file -r $filecontent -replace $ManifestVersionRegex, $ManifestVersion | Out-File $file utf8 Write-Host "$file.FullName - version applied to Manifest" } } else { Write-Warning "No Manifest files found." } Write-Host ("##vso[task.setvariable variable=AppxVersion;]$NewVersion")
More information, you can refer to this article: Set up a continuous deployment build for sideloading