I really liked the Monokai color theme, except for one thing - I can barely see the comments which are more than half the actual code text. Is there a way to change the color of the comments specifically but keep the rest according to monokai?
Those are the steps:
open the command palette in sublime text by typing: Ctrl+Shift+P
type: control install package
restart sublime text
Reenter again into the command palette by typing the same thing again
type prv and search for: PackageResourceViewer- Open resource
Click on: Color Scheme - Default and choose Monokai.tmTheme
When you enter the .xml file. go to line 54 I think (under the comment line) and change that value to whaterver you want
For me i use: #26E372 // is a green color For yellow color you can use: #FFFF00
If you want to know wich number to choose: you can go to this site to know: http://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#!/editor/theme/Monokai