I have geometry data stored in the SQLite database, and datatype of column is BLOB.
I used the below method to convert the BLOB data into the sharp map geometry
SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse(< byte array >);
But it throws the exception "Byte order not recognized"
But if i use the sql server management studio database and save the geometry data in table using Image datatype then the i got the geometry without any error.
The only difference is of data type, in SQLite i have used data type "BLOB" and in sql server i have used the datatype "Image".
I also notice one more difference in size of byte array, if i use the SQLite database then i got the byte array size as "3812" and if i use the sql server database then i got the byte array size as "1902".
Does anybody knows the solution ?
I am working on below data :
The issue is solved.
What happened is when i am storing the sql server geometry data in CSV file, it stores in the hexadecimal format. And when i am importing that data in SQLite, it stores geometry in hexadecimal format only not in the BLOB format.
So i search something like directly converting the sql server geometry data in the SQLite BLOB data.
So i found this link : https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/26932/Convert-SQL-Server-DB-to-SQLite-DB
It directly convert the sql server table into the SQLite table, so that the geometry data in sql server is automatically converts into the BLOB, and there is no issues while converting that BLOb data into the SharpMap Geometry.