I am trying to get the 'src' of the image of a product in Shopify with rails.
I do this in the controller:
@products = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all)
And the data I want to get of each product is its title and image so basically I am doing this in the view:
<% @products.each do |product| %>
<%= product.title %>
<%= product.images[0].src %>
<%= end %>
This line it's not working: <%= product.images[0].src %> because product.images[0] returns this object: ShopifyAPI::Image:0x007fd6f4092338
"images"=>[#< ShopifyAPI::Image:0x007fd6f4092338 @attributes={"id"=>943579299853, "position"=>1, "created_at"=>"2018-01-16T12:32:53-05:00", "updated_at"=>"2018-01-16T12:32:53-05:00", "width"=>5384, "height"=>3589, "src"=>"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2396/9643/products/playing-guitar-fretboard.jpg?v=1516123973", "variant_ids"=>[]}, @prefix_options={:product_id=>299776016397}, @persisted=true>]
How can I get the 'src' value?
Thank you.
Works perfectly! But it will raise an error if the product doesn't have any images attached to it so first you have to check if your product has an image (if images[0] == null)
Have you tried <%= product.images[0].attributes['src'] %>