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Is there a faster way of combining functions containing mpf (mpmath floats) with numpy arrays?

I was having problems with the accuracy of floats in Python. I need high accuracy because I want to use explicitly written spherical bessel functions J_n (x), which deviate (especially for n>5) from their theoretical values at low x values if numpy floats are used (15 precise digits).

I have tried many options, especially from mpmath and sympy, in order to keep more precise numbers. I had problems when combining the accuracy of mpmath inside the functions with numpy arrays, until I knew there was the function numpy.vectorize. Finally I got this solution to my initial problem:

import time
% matplotlib qt
import scipy
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sympy import *
from mpmath import *

#explicit inaccurate
def bessel6_expi(z):
    return -((z**6-210*z**4+4725*z**2-10395)*np.sin(z)+(21*z**5-1260*z**3+10395*z)*np.cos(z))/z**7

#explicit inaccurate 1, computation time increases, a bit less inaccuracy
def bessel6_exp1(z):
    def bv(z):
        return -((z**6-210*z**4+4725*z**2-10395)*mp.sin(z)+(21*z**5-1260*z**3+10395*z)*mp.cos(z))/z**7
    return bvec(z)

#explicit accurate 2, computation time increases markedly, accurate
def bessel6_exp2(z):
    def bv(z):
        return -((mpf(z)**mpf(6)-mpf(210)*mpf(z)**mpf(4)+mpf(4725)*mpf(z)**mpf(2)-mpf(10395))*mp.sin(mpf(z))+(mpf(21)*mpf(z)**mpf(5)-mpf(1260)*mpf(z)**mpf(3)+mpf(10395)*mpf(z))*mp.cos(mpf(z)))/mpf(z)**mpf(7)
    return bvec(z)

#explicit accurate 3, computation time increases markedly, accurate
def bessel6_exp3(z):
    def bv(z):
        return -((mpf(z)**6-210*mpf(z)**4+4725*mpf(z)**2-10395)*mp.sin(mpf(z))+(21*mpf(z)**5-1260*mpf(z)**3+10395*mpf(z))*mp.cos(mpf(z)))/mpf(z)**7
    return bvec(z)

#implemented in scipy, accurate, fast
def bessel6_imp(z):
    def bv(z):
        return scipy.special.sph_jn(6,(z))[0][6] 
    return bvec(z)


start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print(end - start)

start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print(end - start)

start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print(end - start)

start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print(end - start)

start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print(end - start)


The problem I have now is that just for plotting the explicit, accurate ones, it takes quite a long time (about 31 times slower than the scipy function for mp.dps=100). Smaller dps do not make these processes much faster, even with mp.dps=15, they are still 26 times slower. Is there a way to make this faster?


  • Note that the loss of accuracy you observe near zero comes from the fact that you are subtracting two nearly equal terms both of the form 10395 z^-6 + O(z^-4). As the true value is 1/135135 z^6 + O(z^8) you will lose a factor of ~1.4 x 10^9 z^-12 in accuracy. So if you want to calculate the value at z=0.01 to, say, 7 decimals you need to start with >40 decimals precision.

    The solution is of course to avoid this cancellation. A straight-forward way of achieving this is to compute the power series around 0.

    You could use sympy to obtain the power series:

    >>> z = sympy.Symbol('z')
    >>> f = -((z**6-210*z**4+4725*z**2-10395)*sympy.sin(z)+(21*z**5-1260*z**3+10395*z)*sympy.cos(z))/z**7
    >>> f.nseries(n=20)
    z**6/135135 - z**8/4054050 + z**10/275675400 - z**12/31426995600 + z**14/5279735260800 - z**16/1214339109984000 + z**18/364301732995200000 + O(z**20)

    For small z a small number of terms appear to be enough for good accuracy.

    >>> ply = f.nseries(n=20).removeO().as_poly()
    >>> float(ply.subs(z, 0.1))

    You can export the coefficients for use with numpy.

    >>> monoms = np.array(ply.monoms(), dtype=int).ravel()
    >>> coeffs = np.array(ply.coeffs(), dtype=float)
    >>> (np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 21)[:, None]**monoms * coeffs).sum(axis=1)
    array([7.39754109e-12, 3.93160564e-12, 1.93945374e-12, 8.70461282e-13,
           3.45213317e-13, 1.15615481e-13, 3.03088138e-14, 5.39444356e-15,
           4.73594159e-16, 7.39998273e-18, 0.00000000e+00, 7.39998273e-18,
           4.73594159e-16, 5.39444356e-15, 3.03088138e-14, 1.15615481e-13,
           3.45213317e-13, 8.70461282e-13, 1.93945374e-12, 3.93160564e-12,