Question: What is the best practice for naming private properties in Typescript and should one as a rule create a “get and set” for that property?
Reading the following link gave me pause to what I thought would be a good practice for coding Typescript:
I understand his qualifier to his coding guideline that this is not a prescriptive guideline, however, his convention on naming private properties brings up questions in my mind on proper encapsulation and use of private properties in Typescript. The convention I have been following is to name the private properties with the prefix of underscore and then create a get and set that I use to assign or get the value from that property. Back in Anders’ Delphi days that convention is what made it a property and not just another variable. That property gave it characteristic that allowed for tooling.
private _progress: IImportInfo[];
get progress(): IImportInfo[] {
return this._progress;
set progress(value: IImportInfo[]) {
this._progress = value;
So from an html file you would get the values from the property as such:
<li *ngFor="let item of progress">
However, you could access it as such:
<li *ngFor="let item of _progress">
So access to the private variable from the outside is allowed. The encapsulation nature you would normally get with a private variable does not exist, however, there is some value in adhering to encapsulation rules (IMO). However, the purpose in asking this question is not about “my opinion”. I would like to know what more experience angular/typescript developers feel is a best practice in dealing with Typescript private properties. Better yet a link to a site (with credibility) of a “best practice” for dealing with private properties.
Thanks in advance for any help on this issue.
Found the answer I was looking for:
Properties and methods Style 03-04 Do use lower camel case to name properties and methods.
Avoid prefixing private properties and methods with an underscore.
Why? Follows conventional thinking for properties and methods.
Why? JavaScript lacks a true private property or method.
Why? TypeScript tooling makes it easy to identify private vs. public properties and methods.