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Why Strings are not equal in my case?

I have currencyFormatter that is with se_SV locale.

var currencyFormatter: NumberFormatter = {
    let formatter = NumberFormatter()
    formatter.currencySymbol = ""
    formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "se_SV")
    formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
    formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
    formatter.numberStyle = .currencyAccounting
    formatter.isLenient = true
    return formatter

I am converting NSNumber to String.

let firstString = currencyFormatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: 22222222.50)) // "22 222 222,50 "

And than I create String manually that is same as firstString.

let secondString = "22 222 222,50 "

Why when I check if firstString == secondString I receive false?


  • print(Array(firstString!.unicodeScalars))
    // ["2", "2", "\u{00A0}", "2", "2", "2", "\u{00A0}", "2", "2", "2", ",", "5", "0", "\u{00A0}"]
    print(firstString!.replacingOccurrences(of: "\u{A0}", with: " ") == secondString)
    // true

    reveals that the number formatter separates the groups with "non-breaking spaces" U+00A0. This prevents the number from being split across lines in a multi-line text.