My Entity class has four instance variables:
Ref Id, billing ID, customer ID and profile ID.
All of them are String variables.
I need atleast one of them to be mandatory. I will then be doing a select query.
If more than one values is filled then I want combine them in an 'AND' condition and then do a select query. i.e. if billing ID and customer ID is filled out then select * from ... where billingID ="..." AND customerID = "..."
Similarly if three values are filled then there should be 'AND' condition between three variables.
I have a repository class which extends crud repository.
Is there an easier way to do this apart from writing multiple Query methods i.e. findByBillingID, findByBillingIDAndCustomerID, and so on...
Yes. You can the Criteria and Restrictions to add different criteria to a query. It's functionally identical to using HQL query strings, but it uses an API instead. So, in your case your code can look something like this:
String ref, billing, customer, profile;
//get the values for those here
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(MyEntity.class);
if(ref != null){
crit.addRestriction(Restrictions.equals("ref", ref));
if(billing != null){
crit.addRestriction(Restrictions.equals("billing", billing));
return crit.list();//returns your results