I am getting a strange problem. I am getting a negative value when adding two absolute (positive) values. I am trying to solve this exercise from codingame (link: https://www.codingame.com/ide/puzzle/network-cabling).
I tried debugging and I got this:
X[i]: 19715507 X[j]: 938059973 // This one is good
temp: 918344466
Y[i]: 470868309 Y[j]: -816049599 //Something is wrong here
temp: -2089704922
This code is probably not a good solution to the exercise and I will need to improve it, but I still can't figure it out why the value is negative.
Please help.
Thank you.
int main()
int N;
int X[100000];
int Y[100000];
cin >> N; cin.ignore();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { //reading all input
cin >> X[i] >> Y[i]; cin.ignore();
int ilgis=0; //ilgis means length
for(int i=0; i<N-1; i++){ //"min" is set to a very high value
//so it could find a lower value later
// "not the best solution"
int min=99999999999999999999; //shortest distance between houses
for(int j=0; j<N; j++){ // here I am trying to find the shortest
// distance from one house to another
if(j!=i){ //I can't count distance from the same house because
// it would be 0
int temp=0;
//counting the distance differently if the
//value is negative or positive
if(X[i]<=0&&X[j]<=0) temp+=abs(abs(X[i])-abs(X[j]));
else if(X[i]<=0&&X[j]>=0) temp+=abs(X[i])+abs(X[j]);
else if(X[i]>=0&&X[j]>=0) temp+=abs(X[i]-X[j]);
else if(X[i]>=0&&X[j]<=0) temp+=(X[i])+abs(X[j]);
//same with y axis
if(Y[i]<=0&&Y[j]<=0) temp+=abs(abs(Y[i])-abs(Y[j]));
else if(Y[i]<=0&&Y[j]>=0) temp+=abs(Y[i])+abs(Y[j]);
else if(Y[i]>=0&&Y[j]>=0) temp+=abs(Y[i]-Y[j]);
else if(Y[i]>=0&&Y[j]<=0) temp+=(Y[i])+abs(Y[j]);
if(min>temp) min=temp;
} //if i found the shortesst distance between
//houses I add that value to overall distance
// and continue until all houses are checked
Input of the exercise:
-28189131 593661218
102460950 1038903636
938059973 -816049599
-334087877 -290840615
842560881 -116496866
-416604701 690825290
19715507 470868309
846505116 -694479954
The maximum value for int
is 2147483647 (which is 2^31-1, assuming int
has 32 bits width). You can check it with
You might want to min
with this value here. And also use long long
as your type for calculations here.