I have the following code in R, using the library officeR, to create power point presentations.
No matter how I set the property "text.align" of the fp_par object (of fpar), the title remains centered.
Is there a way to add the new paragraph of text, right aligned, in a place holder added with the function add_ph_empty_at()?
Thank you!
def_text <- fp_text(color = "black", italic = FALSE, font.size = 20)
lastPhId <- function(presentation) {
index = presentation$cursor
x <- slide_summary(presentation, index = index)
x <- x[x$type == "body", ]
TITLE = fpar(ftext("My Title", prop = def_text))
TITLE <- update(TITLE, fp_p = fp_par(text.align = "left"))
doc <- read_pptx()
doc %<>% add_slide(layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme")
doc %<>% ph_empty_at(left = 3, top = 3, height = 1, width = 4, bg = "yellow")
doc %<>% ph_add_fpar(value = TITLE, id_chr = lastPhId(doc))
print(doc, target = "ph_add_fpar.pptx")
system("cmd.exe", input = "ph_add_fpar.pptx")
I have just updated officer
on Github, it's now solved. You will need to use new argument par_default
that says (if FALSE): don't use the placeholder default paragraph properties but use the one of the fpar
def_text <- fp_text(color = "black", italic = FALSE, font.size = 20)
lastPhId <- function(presentation) {
index = presentation$cursor
x <- slide_summary(presentation, index = index)
x <- x[x$type == "body", ]
TITLE = fpar(ftext("My Title", prop = def_text))
TITLE <- update(TITLE, fp_p = fp_par(text.align = "left"))
doc <- read_pptx()
doc %<>% add_slide(layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme")
doc %<>% ph_empty_at(left = 3, top = 3, height = 1, width = 4, bg = "yellow")
doc %<>% ph_add_fpar(value = TITLE, id_chr = lastPhId(doc), par_default = FALSE)
print(doc, target = "ph_add_fpar.pptx") %>% browseURL()