Search code examples

How to find the common object from two different arrays and print another object?

I have 2 Arrays receiving from 2 different APIs

booking array

            addrLine1 = "Al Thanyah Fifth, Dubai, United Arab Emirates";
            addrLine2 = "  ";
            apntDate = "14 Feb 2018";
            apntDt = "2018-02-14 15:31:30";
            apntTime = "03:31 pm";
            apptLat = "25.071102142334";
            apptLong = "55.142993927002";
            "appt_duration" = "";
            bid = 555;
            bookType = 1;
            cancelAmt = 30;
            "cat_id" = 591da979227951a10f004ad7;
            "cat_name" = "Car Wash";
            cid = 21;
            "coupon_discount" = 0;
            "customer_notes" = "";
            "distance_met" = 120;
            email = "";
            expireTime = "";
            fname = Fawas;
            "job_imgs" = 0;
            "job_start_time" = "1970-01-01 00:00:00";
            "job_timer" = "";
            pPic = "";
            "payment_type" = 1;
            phone = 568573570;
            "price_per_min" = 10;
            "pro_notes" = "";
            services = "5923f21c2279518a1661cb09,5923f22d2279513f1861cb09";
            status = 2;
            statusMsg = "Provider Accepted.";
            timer = "";
            "timer_status" = "";
            "visit_amount" = 60;

selected services array

        "price_per_unit" = 30;
        "sub_cat_id" = 5923f21c2279518a1661cb09;
        "sub_cat_name" = SUV;
        unit = 1;
        "price_per_unit" = 45;
        "sub_cat_id" = 5923f22d2279513f1861cb09;
        "sub_cat_name" = Sedan;
        unit = 1;
        "price_per_unit" = 65;
        "sub_cat_id" = 5923f23e2279518a1661cb09;
        "sub_cat_name" = Bus;
        unit = 1;
        "price_per_unit" = 75;
        "sub_cat_id" = 5923f24f2279513f1861cb09;
        "sub_cat_name" = Lorry;
        unit = 1;

I want to compare both the above arrays with "services" key from first array and "sub_cat_id" from second array and finally print the price_per_unit of the common service id containing vehicles.

Example - 5923f21c2279518a1661cb09,5923f22d2279513f1861cb09 ids found in the first array so print the price_per_units of the both ids from second array - 30, 45

Any Suggestions ? (If any code snippets requires to answer this question mention in the comments I will edit and update the question with the required codes.

This is how I get the second array from the server

    NSDictionary *queryParams;
    queryParams = @{
                    @"ent_sess_token":flStrForStr([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:KDAcheckUserSessionToken]),
                    @"ent_dev_id":flStrForStr([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:kPMDDeviceIdKey]),

    NetworkHandler *handler = [NetworkHandler sharedInstance];
    [handler composeRequestWithMethod:@"getSubCategory"
                         onComplition:^(BOOL succeeded, NSDictionary *response) {
                             if (succeeded) {

                                 [self getServiceTypesResponse:response];

-(void)getServiceTypesResponse:(NSDictionary *)response

    serviceTypeDict = response[@"data"];
    serviceTypeArray = response[@"data"];
    serviceTypeIDArray = [[serviceTypeArray valueForKey:@"sub_cat_id"]copy];




  • Got it working in playground:

    let booking: [String: Any] = [
        "services": "5923f21c2279518a1661cb09,5923f22d2279513f1861cb09",
    let selectedServices: [[String: Any]] = [
            "price_per_unit": 30,
            "sub_cat_id": "5923f21c2279518a1661cb09",
            "sub_cat_name": "SUV",
            "unit": 1
            "price_per_unit": 45,
            "sub_cat_id": "5923f22d2279513f1861cb09",
            "sub_cat_name": "Sedan",
            "unit": 1
            "price_per_unit": 65,
            "sub_cat_id": "5923f23e2279518a1661cb09",
            "sub_cat_name": "Bus",
            "unit": 1
            "price_per_unit": 75,
            "sub_cat_id": "5923f24f2279513f1861cb09",
            "sub_cat_name": "Lorry",
            "unit": 1
    if let bookingServices = booking["services"] as? String {
        let services: [String] = bookingServices.components(separatedBy: ",")
        let commonServices = selectedServices.filter({ services.contains( $0["sub_cat_id"] as? String ?? "" ) })

    Objective-C Equivalent:

    NSDictionary *booking = @{
                                    @"services": @"5923f21c2279518a1661cb09,5923f22d2279513f1861cb09",
                                    @"status": @2
    NSArray *selectedServices =  @[
                  @"price_per_unit": @30,
                  @"sub_cat_id": @"5923f21c2279518a1661cb09",
                  @"sub_cat_name": @"SUV",
                  @"unit": @1
                  @"price_per_unit": @45,
                  @"sub_cat_id": @"5923f22d2279513f1861cb09",
                  @"sub_cat_name": @"Sedan",
                  @"unit": @1
                  @"price_per_unit": @65,
                  @"sub_cat_id": @"5923f23e2279518a1661cb09",
                  @"sub_cat_name": @"Bus",
                  @"unit": @1
                  @"price_per_unit": @75,
                  @"sub_cat_id": @"5923f24f2279513f1861cb09",
                  @"sub_cat_name": @"Lorry",
                  @"unit": @1
    NSString *servicesString = [booking valueForKey: @"services"];
    NSArray *bookingServices = [servicesString componentsSeparatedByString:@","];
    NSMutableArray *commonServices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (NSDictionary *selectedService in selectedServices) {
        NSString *sub_cat_id = selectedService[@"sub_cat_id"];
        if([bookingServices containsObject: sub_cat_id]) {
            [commonServices addObject: selectedService];
    NSLog(@"%@", commonServices);