I have a Windows VARIANT
holding a BSTR with a (supposedly) numeric value.
I want to use VariantChangeType
to convert this BSTR value to a VT_I4 or VT_I8 or ...
To my surprise, passing in a string value of "5.6"
, .
being my decimal separator, the function succeeds for integer conversion, and the resulting lVal
or llVal
value is 6
! I would have expected either a conversion error, or a value of 5
, which is what sscanf
gives me.
Is there any documentation for the conversion rules used by the VARIANT conversion functions? <--
I found that VariantChangeType
is implemented through (e.g.) VarI4FromStr
, but there is zero info wrt. the conversion rules used by this function.
There does not seem to be any documentation with regard to this.
From the linked MSDN thread and a bit of debugging, I can conclude:
does call the Data Type Conversion Functions (as noted)VarI4FromStr
seems to call VarR8FromStr
internally - this explains how we have roundingVarR*FromStr
seems to call VarParseNumFromStr
does not seem to further delegate the numeric parsing itself (quick test of mine in VS2010); it doesn't document any parsing rules AFAIK.