Search code examples

Text indexer search tool which can filter by punctuation?

This is not a programming question per se but a question about searching source code files, which help me in programming.

I use a search tool, X1, which quickly tells me which source code files contain some keywords I am looking for. However it doesn't work well for keywords which have punctuation attached to them. For example, if I search for "show()", X1 shows everything that has "show" in it including the too many results from "MessageBox.Show(.....)" which I don't want to see.

Another example: I need to filter to show ".parent" (notice the dot) and not show everything that has "parent" (no dot) in it.

Anyone knows a text search tool which can filter by keywords that have punctuation? I really prefer a desktop app instead of web based tool like Google (I find it clunky).

I am looking for a tool which indexes words and not a general file searcher like Windows File Explorer.


  • The tool from