I'm prototyping some highly declarative code, and the type inference and safety that comes with Kotlin helps a lot. One of the goals is making extensions (subclasses) of the primary types stupidly easy to implement. In order to maintain rich type inference and expressiveness, I've found some success in defining generic extension functions projected against subclasses. All the type information of subclass methods with none of the extra subclass implementation, it's great.
So I'm trying to write a rich generic function that maintains as much type information as possible. The issue creeps up with the fact that this function operates on potentially recursively generic types, and I want to shuffle the generic type parameters.
This would be impossible to describe without an example. So consider:
open class G<in T>
class A<in T> : G<T>()
class B<in T> : G<T>()
class C<in T> : G<T>()
val ba = B<A<*>>()
val cb = C<B<*>>()
We want a function that effectively can do this, except generically
fun B<A<*>>.doTransitiveThing(c: C<B<*>>) : C<A<*>>
// implement
val ca = ba.doTransitiveThing(cb) // Returns C<A<*>>
Goal Criteria:
as a param and returns C
, except with different generic type parameterG
so the argument must be C<B<*>>
instead of C<G<*>>
when invoked on B<A<*>>
That describes the gist of the problem. I'm not sure the language is capable of supporting what I want. I'm not sure if type erasure is a factor that makes this impossible, but so far I can't find it so (maybe I could use help if it is so).
The following is close
fun <
Arg1Type: G<*>,
ReceiverType: G<TargetGenericType>,
Arg2Type: G<Arg1Type>,
ResultType: G<TargetGenericType>
ReceiverType.doTransitiveThingGeneric(x: Arg2Type): ResultType
val ca2 = ba.doTransitiveThingGeneric(cb)
but there are a few problems
instead of C<A<*>>
. It would be nice if it could return C
and not lose type information (otherwise I don't really have a use for this function anyway)ReceiverType
is Arg1Type
Thinking ahead, if something like the following was valid Kotlin, I think it would address my problem
fun <
ReceiverBaseType<T>: G<T>,
typealias ReceiverType = ReceiverBaseType<TargetGenericType>,
ParamBaseType<U>: G<U>,
typealias ParamType = ParamBaseType<ReceiverBaseType<*>>,
ResultType: ParamBaseType<TargetGenericType>
ReceiverType.doTransitiveThingHigherOrderGeneric(x: ParamType): ResultType
Is there a reason it can't be done? e.g. added as a feature on the language? I am sympathetic to logistical reasons against, but I'm curious if it is even possible in principle too.
Last notes:
and <U>
in the syntax.Ultimately what I was looking for is higher kinds. I was trying to force it all into one single overly nested type constructor. The manipulations I wanted to accomplish cannot be achieved that way, and must be done using multiple type parameters. The functional library Arrow's description of higher kinds helped me realize that.
In a Higher Kind with the shape
Kind<F, A>
, ifA
is the type of the content thenF
has to be the type of the container.A malformed Higher Kind would use the whole type constructor to define the container, duplicating the type of the content
Kind<Option<A>, A>
. This incorrect representation has large a number of issues when working with partially applied types and nested types.