I'm using git for a PHP project, I think it's really handy. There is one thing that would be great if I get it to work.
I have created a branch, meant for deployment. It has some differences, like different configuration files and documentation.
I can't just ignore them, because then they will stay in both branches, while I would like to keep them different in both branches.
The problem is that when I merge the branches, those files that are meant to be different are merged too.
Is there any convenient way to accomplish such a thing? How is this normally done?
Update Feb. 2021: Git itself is still not a good fit, but GitHub Action environment could help.
2009: I am not sure Git is meant to be used this way.
First a quick Linus advice, always "colorful" and informative ;)
Git very fundamentally tracks project state, not file state. Which means that you very much can NOT try to "merge a file". It is a senseless operation in git, and in fact, any SCM that allows it pretty much is doomed to be a total piece of sh*t (*).
(*) And I'm not saying that just because git doesn't do it. It's much more fundamental than that. Once you start doing per-file branching and merging, you've basically screwed yourself, and you'll never be able to work on the project as a "whole project" any more - you no longer have a well-defined history that actually is the history of the whole project.
That said, you could:
Other solutions in this thread involve working on a "server-specific" branch on your deployment server
Development Deployment
x--x $ git clone
# master
$ git checkout -b deployment origin/master
-- #deployment
$ .... #makes changes for config files
#or other specific deployment files
--d1--d2 # no need to push that branch ever.
#new developments
$ git pull --rebase #pull origin/master and
#replay current branch on top of it
--d1'--d2' #SHA1 rewritten in deployment branch
#not important since this branch
#is not pushed (published)