I have a asp.net webapplication which is ssl enabled. I would like to host this in one of the Azure VM. On my local iis , i can create a self-signed certificate. But dont know how to achieve the same on IIS in an azure VM
Can anyone help how to create self-signed certificate and configure the iis in azure VM to use this self-signed cert?
Can anyone help how to create self-signed certificate and configure the iis in azure VM to use this self-signed cert?
According to your description, you could check this official document.
You could create a self-signed certificate and store it into Azure Key Vault. Using following script.
$policy = New-AzureKeyVaultCertificatePolicy `
-SubjectName "CN=www.contoso.com" `
-SecretContentType "application/x-pkcs12" `
-IssuerName Self `
-ValidityInMonths 12
Add-AzureKeyVaultCertificate `
-VaultName $keyvaultName `
-Name "mycert" `
-CertificatePolicy $policy