I am reading about the pros and cons of squashing commits in Git before crafting a pull request. What I did not find information about is, whether a pull request with squashed commits is more or less likely to turn into a merge conflict if other pull requests are merged into the master while the pull request in question is postponed. I can imagine different scenarios:
Which thereof is true, or is the thing even more complicated? (Like, depending on the kind of change?)
If your concern is about running git merge
, be aware that git merge
locates three commits:
/ other / "remote" commit, which is the one you name when you run git merge otherbranch
; andI like to call these three commits L (for Left/Local/--ours
), R (for Right/Remote/--theiRs
); and B (for base).
If you're squashing "sensibly" (sorry, this is poorly defined!), this has no effect on merge-base-finding. L and B will be the same. The only effect is that R will have a different hash ID. The tree (saved source snapshot) for R will be the same whether or not you have squashed.
git merge
effectively does:
git diff --find-renames B L > /tmp/ours.patch
git diff --find-renames B R > /tmp/theirs.patch
and then combines the patches so as to apply the combined-set to the tree in commit B. Since the three trees will be unchanged, squashing will have no effect at all on the merge.