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Unabel to Run BASH Script as Root in PHP Exec

I have edited the sudoers file to allow passwordless execution of the script in question:

wordpress ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /home/vgnadmin/createnewsite
Defaults:wordpress !requiretty

Here is the code which is supposed to execute the command:

if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && $usernameerr == "" && $sitenameerr == "") {
exec("sudo /home/vgnadmin/createnewsite $username $sitename 2>&1", $output, $retval);
    if ($retval == 1) {
            echo "<h1>Script Failed.</h1><br>";
            echo "Error Message:<br>";
            foreach ($output as $line) {
                    echo "$line<br>";

But upon entering form information and trying to run the script, I get the error message:

sudo: PERM_ROOT: setresuid(0, -1, -1): Operation not permitted
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin

I have checked the journalctl -xe to see if the command was even being run, or any errors produced server side and there are none. Am I missing something?

Other commands that are not sudo run just fine (ls for example).


  • Here is the answer:

    We use mpm-itk (version 2.4.7-02) with apache 2.4 and it works perfectly. The only thing to consider here are the new configuration directives




    These directives define, which UIDs and GIDs mpm-itk can use (via setuid/setguid). As you obviously want it to be able to become root, your lower range must be ID 0. The following configuration will work here:

    <IfModule mpm_itk_module>
    LimitUIDRange 0 6000
    LimitGIDRange 0 6000

    Be aware, the the upper border should include all user UID/GID combinations that you want to use within your configuration via AssignUserID.

    Note that you can configure this for each virtual host you have. Note too, that you need a Linux kernel 3.5.0 or higher for this.

    On RedHat flavours you will need to add the module manually to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (or wherever your conf file lies).