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How to remove a Dyno on Heroku?

Following is what about dashboard says regarding Dynos:

enter image description here

For the time being, I only need two dynos: web & resque, and I do not need the third one: worker. How can I get rid of it, or is it something default by Heroku, and I'm not allowed to remove it.

If I can't remove it, is there a way that what I'm doing on resque dyno, can I get the same results through woker dyno?


  • The worker dyno type is likely being provided by your buildpack. See the output of your deployment:

    remote:        Procfile declares types     -> clock, sidekiq, web
    remote:        Default types for buildpack -> console, rake, worker

    I believe you would have to change what buildpack you are using to remove the worker dyno type.