What am I doing wrong?
I am getting errors when using the script from this page. https://github.com/andy-sen/php-bond-yield
This is what is given as an example on the website, but does not work for me.
require_once 'bondyield.php';
printf("%f\n",BondYield::Calculate('2001-12-16',99, '2002-01-15',5,2,100));
I get 6 errors like this:
Strict Standards: Non-static method BondYield::getDateParams() should not be
called statically in public_html/00_test/bondyield.php on line 93
check this
require_once 'bondyield.php';
$obj = new BondYield();
printf("%f\n",$obj->Calculate('2001-12-16',99, '2002-01-15',5,2,100));