1 Lets look at this example:
1:3 %>% rep(.,2) + 1 %>% sum #[1] 2 3 4 2 3 4
[2] What R is doing is:
1:3 %>% rep(.,2) + (1 %>% sum)
[3] What I want R to do is: (which gives an error) , I like to get 18
1:3 %>% (rep(.,2) + 1) %>% sum #Error in rep(., 2) : attempt to replicate an object of type 'closure'
[4] So I need to go super lame:
tmp <- 1:3 %>% rep(.,2) + 1
tmp %>% sum #[1] 18
How can I fix [3] to work. Can someone explain me the error message?
From here
Note that the variable x on the left side of %>% is applied as the first argument in the function on the right side. This default behaviour can be changed using . which is called a placeholder.
However, one important thing to remember is, when the . appears in nested expressions, the first-argument-rule is still applied. But this behaviour can be suppressed using the curly braces{ }
Interestingly, what I didn't know:
This is the equal:
1:3 %>% sum(rep(.,3)) #[1] 24
1:3 %>% sum(.,rep(.,3)) #[1] 24
And these two are equal:
1:3 %>% {sum(rep(.,3))} #[1] 18
1:3 %>% rep(.,3) %>% sum #[1] 18
> packageVersion("magrittr")
[1] ‘1.5’
gives: (I don't know what package is behind my %>% operator, I don't like that too much to be honest)
Help on topic '%>%' was found in the following packages:
Pipe operator (in package tidyr in library C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.2/library) magrittr forward-pipe operator (in package magrittr in library C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.2/library) Pipe operator (in package stringr in library C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.2/library) Objects exported from other packages (in package dplyr in library C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.2/library)
The binary operator +
is creating the problem. It has lower precedence than the pipe (see ?Syntax
). Either enclose the entire operation in parentheses before piping to sum, or use the functional form of +
(1:3 %>% rep(.,2) + 1) %>% sum
[1] 18
1:3 %>% rep(.,2) %>% `+`(1) %>% sum
[1] 18