My dream IDE does full code hints, explains and completes PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS. I know it exists!
so far, Zend studio 6, under the Eclipse IDE does a great job at hinting PHP, some Javascript and HTML, any way I can expand this?
edit: a bit more information: right now, using zend-6 under eclipse, i type in
p //(a single letter "p")
and I get a hint tooltip with all the available php functions that begin with "p" (phpinfo(), parse_ini_file(), parse_str(), etc...), each with its own explanation: phpinfo()->"outputs lots of PHP information", the same applies for regular HTML (no explanations however).
However, I get nothing when I do:
b /* (a single letter "b") */
I'd love it if I could get, from that "b" suggestions for "border", "bottom", etc. The same applies for Javascript.
Any ideas?
I think the JavaScript and CSS need to be in separate files for this to work.
Example of CSS autocomplete in Eclipse:
Starting to type border
Then setting thickness
Then choosing the color
Chose red, and it added the ; for me
Works pretty good IMHO.