I'm Using FOSRestBundle for my project I've configured this route to have access to different kinf of data :
* @Rest\Get("")
* @Rest\QueryParam(
* name="categoriesId",
* requirements="[0-9a-zA-Z\- \/_:.,\s]",
* default="",
* description="The categories ids."
* )
* @Rest\QueryParam(
* name="orderBy",
* requirements="[a-zA-Z0-9]",
* default="score",
* description="The keyword to search for."
* )
* @Rest\QueryParam(
* name="order",
* requirements="asc|desc",
* default="desc",
* description="Sort order (asc or desc)"
* )
* @Rest\QueryParam(
* name="limit",
* requirements="\d+",
* default="-1",
* description="Max number of celebrities returned."
* )
* @Rest\QueryParam(
* name="offset",
* requirements="\d+",
* default="0",
* description="The offset"
* )
* @Rest\View(serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks=true)
* @param ParamFetcherInterface $fetcher
* @param EntityManagerInterface $em
* @return array
public function getAction(ParamFetcherInterface $fetcher, EntityManagerInterface $em) {
// Get categories
$categories_id = explode(',', $fetcher->get('categoriesId'));
$options = [
'addProfilePicture' => true,
'addCategories' => true,
// Configure limit and order
if($fetcher->get('limit') !== -1)
$options['limit'] = $fetcher->get('limit');
$options['offset'] = $fetcher->get('offset');
// Configure order
switch ($fetcher->get('orderBy')) {
case 'score':
$options['orderBy'] = 'score';
$rows = $em->getRepository(Celebrity::class)->findByCategories($categories_id, $options);
return $rows;
But when I call my node with Postman, I've this error :
Controller and method needs to be set via setController
And the error come from the ParamFetcher, and the line
$categories_id = explode(',', $fetcher->get('categoriesId'));
Do you have any idea about the origin of this issue :/ ?
Just enable param fetcher listener in your Symfony's config.yml:
param_fetcher_listener: true